The Bradford Apostolic Christian Church has several ministries that spread the gospel to those in our local community as we draw each of us closer together.

We extend a warm welcome to any who have the desire to join us worshiping Jesus Christ as our Savior!

Sunday School

An integral ministry of the Bradford Apostolic Christian Church is our Sunday School. 


Our Sunday School hour occurs simultaneously with the church’s morning worship service allowing for age-specific instruction and interaction for part of our day of worship. Students from age 4 through high school gather for a time of singing, prayer, and class time. Teachers instruct the younger students from Bible Story books and the older from the Bible. Teachers are called by the Church and serve for multi-year terms.


An adult Sunday school group gathers periodically where adult non-members can learn about the Bible and church practices from church leadership.


High school students participate with other Illinois AC churches in ACYF (Apostolic Christian Youth Fellowship) where they enjoy activities together such as singing, service projects, and fellowship days.


All are welcome to participate in congregational singing during our church services. At other times, believers sometimes assemble in homes to lift our voices in praise to God during the week. We also enjoy singing to shut-ins, nursing homes, and others who may find it a blessing, at Christmastime and throughout the year.


National Ministries

Click here to learn more about our Denomination’s national/international ministries for needs beyond the scope of the local church. Many members and friends of the local Bradford church congregation actively participate in these opportunities to share.


Local Material Aid

In addition to the national HarvestCall ministry, there are also smaller-scale local material aid projects that can be handled by a local congregation, from food baskets to the occasional remodeling/building project. We are thankful for these opportunities to share our resources, hands, and hearts with the local community.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 14:6

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